Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Get Your Website On Google's Search Engine Results Page

In order to know how to get your website on the top of the Google search engine results page, you must research everything about your online business first. You need to know where your potential customer congregates online and why, what questions they ask on forums, what they talk about and most importantly, what keeps them up at night. Knowing the detailed profile of your target customer will enable you to write content using specific keywords to reach a specific portion of the population. Your site will rank higher on Google once you choose more specific keyword phrases.
Be persistent when trying to get your website to the top of Google's search engine list. Join forums and chat rooms and ask questions of your target audience. This will help you find the keywords which you will optimize your web content with. Online tools like Alexa can help you track various pieces of information that will help you improve your website's performance.
Google first and foremost requires SEO enhanced web content. Pepper your website content with your carefully chosen keywords, approximately 2 for every hundred words, so that Google detects your content as authoritative. You won't get your website on Google's top search engine results by writing nonsensical copy using your chosen keyword phrase.
One great way to find buckets full of keywords that haven't been overused, is to get into a niche that hasn't been fully exploited. Find a group of people looking for something that aren't already being represented online. You can improve your ranking on Google by choosing to target a demographic that doesn't have a lot of competition in the online world already.
Once you've found an underrepresented niche, you must study who these people are. Join forums, add the members as friends online and engage in conversation with them. Fully enter into your newly discovered world. Delve into your niche world as much as possible. Why? Well, if you join forums and visit places where your potential customers are, then you know what problems they face, you know what they yearn for and what they want to spend their hard earned money on.
Fully knowing your target demographic will allow you to better compete with the other websites that are ranking higher than yours on Google. Once you become aware of the technical terms and jargon that your niche uses, you will chose better keywords that maybe your competition has overlooked. Once traffic does start flowing into your site, when your website gets on Google's top rankings, you will better be able to write compelling web copy that addresses the problems your target niche face.
Once you enter into the head of your potential customers, you can write your web content from their point of view. You will be more likely to convert your visitors into customers when you write web copy that reaches into the heart of your potential customer.
Find a loophole. Discover the unexploited goldmine! You will also be building your own community and establishing yourself as an expert to your target audience.

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